Welcome to the IFMA Inland Empire Chapter!
Chapter Logo
Chapter membership takes your International Facility Management Association (IFMA) membership to a higher level by providing relevant FM events, networking, educational programs, presentations, and facility tours at our monthly meetings…and a lot more.
Enhance the facility management profession as the enabler of operational and maintenance success by doing more with less.
Provide unequaled membership value that strengthens and improves facility management careers and their organizations by utilizing IFMA’s body of knowledge, educational credentials, membership networking, facility management programs, and best management practices.

2025 Chapter Meetings & Events Schedule
About IFMA
FM's Only Lunch & Mixer with
IFMA IE Chapter Leadership
Thu. February 27
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
@ Miguel's Restaurant, Corona
Dealing With Natural Disasters
Thu. March 20
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
@ Red Cross, Riverside
So Cal Facility Expo
Wed. & Thu. April 16-17
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
@ Anaheim Convention Center
Annual Cornhole Tournament
Thu. May 15
Time: TBD
@ Location: TBD
Facility Management Drives
the Inland Empire
Tue. June 17
Time: TBD
@ AMCC Roadshow, Location: TBD
The State of FM Tech for
High Performance Facilities
Thu. August 21
Time: TBD
@ Online
IFMA World Workplace
Convention & Expo
Wed. thru Fri. September 17-19
@ Minneapolis, Minnesota
Energy, MEP's, IAQ & EPA Regulations
Thu. September 25
Time: TBD
@ Location: TBD
​Inland Empire Chapter
Golf Tournament
Fri. October 24
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: TBD
Waterproofing Your Facilities
& Facility Tour
Tue. November 18
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
@ Location: TBD
2025 Year End Celebration
Thu. December 11
6:00 - 8:00 PM
@ Mission Inn, Riverside
Please check our Home Page
every 3 to 4 weeks ahead of the
event date for more information
and registration details. ​
The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) is the world's largest and most widely recognized international association for facilities management professionals, supporting 24,000 members in more than 100 countries. This diverse membership participates in focused component groups equipped to address their unique situations by region (136 chapters), industry (16 councils) and areas of interest (six communities).
Together they manage more than 78 billion square feet of property and annually purchase more than US $526 billion in products and services. Formed in 1980, IFMA certifies professionals in facilities management, conducts research, provides educational programs, content and resources, and produces World Workplace, the world's largest series of facilities management conferences and expositions.
Chapter Benefits
Grow your network, your knowledge and your career. Learn—connect—advance in the Inland Empire with our 70+ chapter members!
The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) is the world's largest and most widely recognized association for facility professionals. And, by becoming a member, you are letting the world know that you are dedicated and serious about your career.
Our membership enables you to gain a competitive edge with employers and showcase your commitment to the profession and industry of facility management.
Joining IFMA and our Inland Empire Chapter is your way to expand your network, access valuable education and training and excel in your career.